Monday, September 22, 2008

Sept 20-Grande Ronde to Portland-70.6 miles, 2630 ft of climbing

Here we are on the last ride of the tour. Everyone is excited about getting to Portland. We gathered at 7 AM for team pictures. Michelle Lanouette from the Portland office joined us for the last day. The ride started out towards McMinnville and was mostly flat. We had a quick stop to refill water bottles and have a quick snack. It was cold but there was no wind and luckily no rain. After that we headed out through the wine country of Willamette Valley. The roads were smooth and rolling. At about 40 miles a long climb started. It was the last climb of the ride. Rich was waiting for us at the top of the hill with cold water. We rode down the other side on a very long downhill (around 4 miles) into a small town where we stopped at a great coffee shop for coffee and scones. We lingered much longer than on previous days.

After that we left on the last 20 miles. The maps were difficult to follow in some places with lots of name changes. The traffic got a lot heavier with lots of stop lights for the last 10 miles. That made for a slow ride into town. Finally, we crested a small hill and rolled down the road into Portland. We all regrouped at the River Front park for a celebratory high five. We road a few blocks to the Bridgeport Brewery for lunch. There wasnt much drama except for a few flat tires.

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