Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept 13 Vancouver to Bellingham WA-41 Miles, 1300 ft climbing

We started the tour with an easy ride of only 40 miles and mostly flat riding. The ride from Vancouver to the border was great with lots of farmland and rolling hills. Our plan was to meet up at the border. The plan didn’t work so well because half the group missed a turn off and ended up at a different border crossing. We were waiting for everyone at the border when a Border agent became very agitated and told up to leave the border area. Fred tried in vain to tell the guy we were just waiting for the rest of our team but he would have none of it. We had to high tail it out of the border area. We then spend the next half an hour on a street corner in Blaine WA calling people on our cell phones trying to figure out where everyone was. Eventually we got everyone back together and continued on our way to Bellingham.

The ride was uneventful and we arrived at the hotel around noon only to find out that the rooms would not be available until 3 pm. So we hung out at a nice greek restaurant across the street. The owner and his wife were working that day so it was quite an interesting lunch. While it was a short ride, it helped us work out some of the logistics and reinforced the need to pay careful attention to the maps. Otherwise you end up miles from your destination!

It was really neat to see all the KPMG riders flying down the highway. It created a great sense of pride to be working for KPMG. The back of the jerseys says it all-Committed to our Communities-and when there are 23 bike riders that kind of commitment gets noticed.

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