Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept 12-Getting Organized

About half of the team flew directly into Vancouver and took taxis to the hotel in Surrey about 20 miles to the east of the hotel. The other half flew into Seattle and road to Vancouver in the support vans. The Tour started off with Tom Roy not being able to locate his bike after being shipped to Vancouver via UPS. It was stuck in a UPS warehouse. Tom did what any smart guy would do and went to the only two bike shops in Bellingham WA and looked for a bike. He settled on a very nice (and expensive) Trek Madone. Finally after getting the bike fitted the second half of the team was on their way to Vancouver.

Everyone arrived at the hotel and we set up shop in one of the ball rooms to assemble the bikes that were boxed for shipment. It was quite a task getting everyone’s bike back together and in working condition. It was especially difficult for Jeff Waybright whose bike was almost completely torn down including all of the cables. After a lot of work we finally got it together and properly shifting. As we were leaving the ball room a few more riders showed up so a number of us stayed to help them get their bikes together before crashing in the hotel room. The start of a long ride is always filled with anticipation and a bit of anxiety. Will your bike work fine and will your legs keep you going. It takes a few days to get into the groove of the ride.

All 23 riders and 3 support staff are really excited about the ride and a great representation of the KPMG values of serving your communities. While they are spending a week riding through a really nice part of the US, they have also worked very hard to raise funds for the American Cancer Society, which is the real reason for the Ride.

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