Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept 18-Astoria to Tillamook-70 miles, 3000 ft of climbing

Our ride today was down the coast of Oregon from Astoria to Tillamook, home of Tillamook Chedder Cheese. The route took us through Seaside, where the support team met us with hot coffee and hot chocolate. It was a great treat as it was pretty cold in the morning even with leg and arm warmers on. When you are moving at 15 to 25 miles per hour the cold chills you to the bone. There is a positive with the cold. You don't sweat as much so it helps in keeping you hydrated. When you sweat your blood volume decreases which makes your heart rate rise for the same level of effort. This results in a harder or slower ride.

After that we continued through Cannon Beach where we started a nice long climb that include a ride through a big tunnel. Oregon is the number one rated state for biking and it shows since the tunnel entrance had an alert button to hit before you rode into it. There was a large sign above the tunnel with flashing lights to indicate bikers in the tunnel and to slow down. It worked as all cars slowed down. The ride continued a great climb through spectacular forests. At the bottom of the other side of the hill we had a lunch break at a really nice streamside picnic area in Cape Falcon State park. The stream was lined with tall trees, moss and lots of ferns. It was very peaceful. It made me think of one of the lessons in Gene O'Kelly's Chasing Daylight book-looking for that perfect moment each day. It was hard to leave but it was getting cold and we had to get moving. We continued down Highway 101 through Mazanita and Nehalam where the route flattened out considerable. From their it was flat all the way home which made for a fast ride to the hotel. We traveled along route 101 through sleepy beach towns and past the Tillamook Cheese Factory. The ride was very smooth today without issues. About the only excitement today was a last minute detour we had to take because of a large accident with a logging truck that shut down the main road into Tillamook. We were relieved to learn that the detour only added about 2 miles to the route. These are small towns we are traveling through and it could have just as easily been a 30 mile detour. Riders arrived at the hotel between 3 and 5 pm. Many of us took a soak in the hot tub ( a daily ritual) then gathered for the team meeting at 7. Dinner will be a challenge tonight as Tillamook is a small town and there aren't alot of restaurants. The entire group was very strong today.

As I was riding a long straight stretch of the road today I though about a few key points for today. There are a number of riders that have never gone on an 8 day 600+ mile bike ride. For them it was a significant physical and mental challenge. They have made it through the toughest part of the tour, days 4, 5 and 6. They are the hardest because you are no longer fresh, but you still have a long way to go. After today we have a nice ride tomorrow then a great ride through the wine country of Willamette Valley to bring us to Portland. The drive to finish strong will carry the riders. These riders have learned alot about themselves during the ride. The huge increase in physical fitness is a great side benefit.

The second point I thought about what a great group of riders and support members we have. Its really neat to see the team come together not only for the ride but also the fundraising. Its great to be part of this team.

The last point is what great people you meet on the road. When you have 24 KPMG Chasing Daylight Tour jerseys on the road you get noticed and people want to know about it. They are so interested in learning about the tour and many have even donated. That tells me we are reaching critical mass on the tour. We are making a difference.

Tomorrow our ride turns away from the coast and head east towards Portland. It should be another great ride through huge tree lined valleys and farmland. Its a less populated area of Oregon with few towns along the way so we have stocked up with a little more water, Gatorade and food. We probably will have an extra water stop along the way. So far the weather has been great and so long as it doesn't rain we will be happy.

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