Friday, September 5, 2008

A great introduction to Randi Rosen

Randi Rosen, Partner San Diego

I am excited to participate in this years Chasing Daylight Tour as it gives me a chance to bike through a part of the country that has always been on my list to see. It also gives me an opportunity to meet a new group of KPMG colleagues and raise funds for a very worthy cause. I have had the privilege to complete the "Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge" ride the past two years. I was one of 100 cyclists, who pledged to raise over $10,000 each year, to raise funds for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. We rode 650 miles (San Francisco to San Diego) over 7 days and raised $2.5 million in 2006-2007. This past year three close friends and family members faced (and won!) battles with cancer. So, when this ride and cause came to my attention, I felt this was my year to participate in this event. I am riding in memory of Gene O'Kelly as well as to honor friends and family members who bravely won their battles with cancer this past year. I continue to train with the QMDC group in San Diego, which consists of long weekend rides and a few spin classes during the week. I have been doing distance cycling since 1998. I am not speedy at all, but I am tenacious.

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