Friday, September 12, 2008

Connor Donnelly – Audit Associate

Approaching my one year anniversary with the firm, I am excited for the opportunity to participate in the Chasing Daylight Tour. My love for cycling began when I was young and has grown and matured drastically over the years. When I was younger it was hard for me to see biking as anything much more than a means of transportation. As I pedaled to and from elementary school, I would wonder what kind of enjoyment my father could possible obtain from sweating and panting through the California heat, when he didn’t have to and could have easily driven anywhere he wanted!

As I grew older, I came to enjoy biking as a recreational hobby. It began with BMX bikes, then mountain biking (a hobby that continues to this day) but road bikes held an allure I could not grasp. I think it had something to do with the tights. As you can probably guess, I got over the tights (now I call them “chamois”) and I now consider cycling one of my favorite hobbies. My father lost his battle with melanoma in 2000 and yet his memory lives on and I cannot think of a better way to honor his memory than participating in this tour.

I should also say that I have never rode competitively or done a ride of this magnitude, but I am extremely excited for the challenge to do something good for those effected by cancer. I am also eager to ride through the beautiful northwest; a place I called “home” for four years as I attended college in Tacoma, WA.

Thanks for your support!


carol said...

Go Connor, go! What a fabulous way to honor your Dad. I know that he is beaming with pride for the young man you have become. Have fun!

Carol Buttery

Unknown said...

What an unbelievable journey in so many ways!!! Congratulations to all of you on a job well done. We're all there in spirit.