Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept 19-Tillamook to Grande Ronde-78 miles, 4020 ft of climbing

We left Tillamook at 8:30 and it was cold, around 42 degrees. We took a 13 mile detour along the Three Capes Scenic Route. It was spectacular scenery. The water was glass smooth and there were a lot of fishermen in boats fishing for salmon. We cruised through Oceanside and Netarts then arrived at the bottom of a long 1,000 ft climb, the biggest of the ride. It was long but through nice forests. We connected with another biker who had been on the road for 4 months after starting in Vancouver, biking to the tip of Alaska and back. He was headed to California before returning to Vancouver. You meet a lot of interesting people touring on a bike. The support van was at the top of the hill and we took in some much needed water. After that it was a fast ride down the hill to Neskowin.for lunch where the support team had hot clam chowder for lunch it was very good and warmed us up. It was hard to leave the lunch break but with our muscles getting cold, the longer we waited, the harder it would be to get going.

The ride con tined on old highway 101 that winds up and down through a really big forest. Bike touring often takes you off the main roads through old towns that were once large before the new highways were built. We saw one car in the 10 miles it took us to Otis. After that we headed out highway 18 for 18 miles to Grande Ronde. It was mostly flat, although the road climbed at a very slight grade up to 700 ft so it made us work a little. The only hotel we could find was at an Indian Casino. We checked in, got cleaned up and met for a surprisingly good dinner at the casino restaurant.

A few of the team members tried their luck on the blackjack tables but most of us crashed in our rooms with one more day to go. It was a very good day for the team with no problems. After 7 days the team is very organized. They are excited about finishing the ride but also a bit sad that it's almost over.

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