Friday, August 29, 2008

And now a word from the Founder- Fred Isaak

Three years and still riding!  Actually four if you include the year where Kevin Coleman and I set out for San Diego from San Francisco and dreamed up the concept of the Chasing Daylight Tour.  By the end of this year’s ride I will have cycled over 2600 miles – that’s LA to NY!  Combining all the riders over the years, as a team we have cycled over 25,000 miles – that would take us around the globe with a 100 miles to spare!  (And that’s doesn’t even include the one day rides that take place in Denver, Hartford, and the SF Bay Area.) That all sounds like a lot of effort and hard work, and it is, but I (we) love to do it.  I enjoy the long days on the road, the sights this country has to offer and the people you meet along the way, as well as sharing that experience with fellow KPMG’ers.  It also gives me the opportunity to give back to the community.  For me, this is the most satisfying but hardest part of the Chasing Daylight Tour.  Getting out there and asking for donations is one of the last things I like to do with my time – not my idea of fun.  Since each rider pays for their own flight, food and accommodations it would have been easiest to just organize an annual bike ride.  But even when the ride was only an idea bantered around by two sun beaten (and perhaps delirious) cyclists on their way to San Diego the opportunity to give back to our community as well as honor the memory of Gene O’Kelly had to become the cornerstone for the ride.  So, here I am once again asking each of you to reach deep into your pockets to support the American Cancer Society, the memory of Gene O’Kelly and the 24 KPMG cyclists that make up the Chasing

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